Today is one special day. Not only is one of the most historical inaugurations about to take place, but it is also my Mom's birthday.
I find it very fitting that those two very important events are happening on the same day. My Mom is one of the people who taught me to accept people for who they are, and never to look at someone differently because of race, religion, etc. I wish that everyone would teach their children the same values my parents did; that who we are is what matters, not what we look like, what church we go to (or not go to), or how much money we make. Thanks to her, I am teaching these same values to my own children. When I see people teaching their children to hate instead of to love and accept, I am just heartbroken. We are all Americans and should learn to accept our differences for the better of our country. After all, this is the UNITED States of America.
Mom, it may be your birthday, but I want to thank you for teaching me these values. I am so very proud to be your daughter. Happy Birthday!
My mom and her mom, my grandmother, did the same for me. And for them I too will be eternally grateful. My best to your mom today!
"It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent's willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate."
My favorite line from President Obama's speech. So appropriate to you, to your mom, to me, to my mom...
sounds like a great lady. Yet another reason today is such a good day. Let's celebrate!
What a great birthday "card" this is. Thank you, Kristi.
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