Last night, when I was helping the girls get ready for bed, Kiki just looks at me, and out of the blue says "Sometimes I wonder why is there life? Why are there people? What if they never existed? What if there were never dinosaurs?" I thought for a moment and then said, "I don't know, maybe there would just be a bunch of planets floating around." Then she says "Maybe there wouldn't be any planets. Maybe just a bunch of rocks." Then she thought for a minute, wheels turning, and said "And the one person that knows is not even alive anymore. He's in Heaven." More silence and then, "Or I think that might be the one thing no one can answer."
Not bad for an almost eight year old girl. . .
These are the kind of questions and conversations I wish they'd have when I'm around. She and Boo are sharp, K.
What a wonderful demonstration of how we need to come to Christ; with a child-like faith. Putting aside our political and world views to just "know" that there is someone, - "God" - that He has all the answers and He holds it all together. We have a creator and a Savior and He desires a relationship with ME! He calls to the child and requires our child like faith and constantantly reminds us of His unfailing love.
I love the missing teeth smile. And, yes, the tweens are known for their incessant talking, no?
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