Monday, March 12, 2012

A Wish and a Prayer

I am a big believer in community and that we should help and support each other as often as possible.  I see and hear about so much selfishness in our country these days it makes me sad. There are so many people (politicians come to mind)  doing all they can to help themselves and not enough people doing more to help each other.

Thankfully, I am fortunate enough to live in a community full of giving people.  I witness almost on a daily basis, so many random (and not so random) acts of kindness that I am proud to call this community my home.

Several years ago our community rallied to help a local teenager needing expensive cancer treatment.  Just a few days after the news broke about his illness and the insurance company's refusal to cover the treatment, people in our town raised more than enough money to cover the treatment and related expenses.  Such kindness is what makes it hard to imagine ever living anywhere else.

I've also seen the Internet community rally and help people in need. When there have been international disasters, such as the Japanese Tsunami or the earthquakes in Chile, people have spread the word, sent donations via text, etc. I've also seen the Internet band together here locally for tragedies such as the Indiana State Fair stage collapse and more recently, the Southern Indiana Tornadoes.  The kindness and outpouring of support is always so heartwarming and just shows me that no matter how far apart we are, we are all one big community.

Now it is my turn to reach out to my local and Internet friends for help, not for me, but for my friend Mike and his family.  Mike has been sick for years now, with a condition yet to be diagnosed.  Now his son, a freshman in high school, has been stricken with a similar illness and one of his daughters has been recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.  The medical bills are mounting and it is getting more and more difficult for the family to cover those everyday expenses.  Due to his illness, Mike hasn't been able to work much and even though his wife is working, it is just not enough anymore.

I can't possibly do their story justice on my blog so I am posting a link (below) to a website Mike's sister started for their family.  At this point, every donation will help no matter how big or small.   

I am also a big believer in the power of prayer and positive thinking, so If you can't help out financially, please send your positive thoughts and prayers his way.  I'd also love for anyone who reads this to share this with your friends and family as well as sharing the story on Twitter or Facebook.

We may not all live in one city or town, but we are all a part of a community called the Internet and we have this wonderful tool called Technology.  So let's put our computers, smartphones, tablets and social media to work and do something good for a wonderful family who needs us now more than ever.

Click here to learn more about Mike's story and how you can help:

 Indiana Jones Family Wish Page

Thank you!!


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