Thursday, March 8, 2012

Broken Record

I haven't written a post since October, which is probably one of the longest dry spells I've had since I've started my blog.  I really hate that I don't post more often now, but life has just zapped about every ounce of creative energy I have left.  Motherhood, work, taxiing the girls to and from activities, house work. . . rinse and repeat. . .

I have plenty of inspiration and reasons to write, but when I do manage to find the time, I find I can't even write a sentence.  I feel like a broken record, as I know I've said this same thing, on this very same blog, so many times before in the past two years.

I know probably should give up and quit this blog, but I just don't want to let it go.  I don't even know if I have any readers left, but my purpose for starting the blog in the first place was to have to have an outlet to share my experiences as a mother, not reach out to an audience.  Connecting with readers and meeting and tweeting with other bloggers has just been a wonderful perk.   I don't even know if "Momexperience" is an appropriate title anymore, since so much of what I want goes way beyond being a mother.  Yet I don't know what name really fits my blog (I am, however, open to appropriate suggestions). 

 Kiki scolded me the other day because I haven't written a post about her in a really long time.  She said she loved reading what I wrote about her, so now I am feeling quite guilty.  It is not that I haven't tried. A few months back, I had an entire post written all about her and how she's grown up so much, only to have it disappear into Internetland.  I tried to recreate it, but since so much of my writing is "in the moment, " it just wasn't happening. 

Here's to hoping I can get started writing again. . I do have a few posts in the works right now, (including one about a recently departed, beloved sports figure here in Indy).  Maybe if I'm lucky, I will  have one of them up before the record skips again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful family. congratulations