Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - First Day of School Edition (part one)

Pictures from Kiki's first day of second grade. Boo starts Kindergarten tomorrow. . .

The big second grader

Gotta get a picture with Boo, too!

Waiting for the bus. . . it was late, as usual

Finally it is here!

Off she goes. . .

Are we done taking pictures yet, Mom?

Hours later. . .

Thanks for the flowers, Boo!

And what was Boo up to while big sis was at school today? Getting ready for her big day tomorrow:

Boo drawing her self portrait at her Kindergarten Orientation


CK Ng said...

Your daughters are just so lovely! Happy WW! :)

Anonymous said...

First day of school...lots of precious moments and memories caught on camera :)

Pamela said...

You are so lucky to have this journal to remember this.
All my memories of first days are hazy.
Wonderful smiles. Bless'em.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I got teared up looking at the pictures! Will's first day is next Wednesday. All I could think about was the pictures of them as babies laying next to each other or Cameron and Charlie at Gymboree together.

Colored Heart said...

Beautiful daughters! You really had a happy WW. I remember my daughter ST who also had her first time in school last June. Nice post!

If you have time, my post last Aug12 is here, BETTER TOGETHER.