Wednesday, November 19, 2008

(Semi) Wordless Wednesday - Fall Fun

Since I've been so bad about blogging lately (plenty of ideas, no time to write. If only I could just upload my brain!), I thought I'd post some pictures of the some of the fun things we've done this fall. Hopefully in the next few days I will also be able to write. Stay tuned. . .

Raking Leaves

Ready to rake the "biggest pile ever"

Laci wants to have some fun too!

What is that lump under the leaves?


Kiki, you have leaves in your hair!

Haunted House at the Children's Museum - Halloween Day

Boo's not so sure about what's on the menu. Look closely. . .

Carving Pumpkins - Halloween Day

Boo and her "princess" pumpkin

Kiki gets slimy


Boo's turn!

Bill carves Kiki's pumpkin (she drew the face)

Matching teeth

Halloween Night

Batgirl and the Pig

Charlie Brown Bill and the girls

Trick or Treat!

Is it going to be dark soon?


The girls and our "scary" neighbor

Who is this weird guy behind us?

Cinderella and her girls

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