One of our favorite traditions (and we don't have many!) is our annual trek to the local Pumpkin Festival. We always manage to find the
hottest sunniest day of the fall to go and pick our pumpkins, and this year was no exception! The girls love this tradition and Fall just wouldn't be the same without it.

You wouldn't know we have swings in our very own backyard. . .

Look how strong I am!

I'm stuck!

Ma and Pa Kettle

Boo enjoys the
not so Haunted House

That was supposed to be haunted? Seriously?

Kiki exits the caterpillar's
butt backside

Kiki O'Lantern


Hurry up and take the picture so I can put this thing down!

Boo fits right in the
Christmas tree lot pumpkin patch!

Riding the pumpkin train

Family hayride (oops Boo blinked!)
What a fun day!! We haven't made it to the Patch this year... had a great time last year, especially on the little orange "train." Love the family pic!
Oh we LOVE going there! I keep meaning to set some time aside to do it. The kids have a great time. LOVE the pics. :-) My favorite is the caterpillar's behind. ha ha ha!
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