This is my very first time ever blogging! I have wanted to do this for years but never seem to know how to get started. So here it goes. . . a work in progress!
Where or Where does the time go? It seems like just yesterday my littlest baby girl was born and now she has graduated from preschool! She will start Kindergarten in the fall and that is just so hard for me to wrap my head around. Boo had a difficult start to life. She had complications at birth - her cord was pinched which cut off her oxygen supply. No heartbeat and not breathing when she was born. She was revived and spent 10 days in the NICU, a time that seemed like it would never end. We worried so much that she wouldn't make it and wondered what her life would bring. They told us to expect the worst but I was determined she would be just fine. I call her my miracle baby and that is what she is. Every birthday she has is extra special to me because I remember how hard she fought to live past that first day.
I couldn't help but think of that today as I watched her march up the aisle, sing songs and get her diploma. She is still a fighter and as stubborn as can be. My baby. I know the time is precious and one day she will be graduating from high school. I treasure every day I have with her and try my best to make sure she knows it.
So, Boo. This day is for you!
Love you sweetie!
Awe! Isn't she so cute in her little dress and cap! Tell her congrats from us! And thanks so much for the Disney pix! They were quite cute! :)
Wow! You are a strong mom to have gone through that~ Look how great your girls are today! So sweet!
There is something very special about Bailey. Something I don't see in other kids her age. Something not outwardly obvious, but just barely shimmering under the surface. You can see glimpses of it every once in a while. A sort of consciousness and awareness, and you can see the gears working in her mind.
I see it, and I think, "I don't know what that is exactly, but I can't wait to see it develop, to emerge and become a part of her personality as an adult." There's part of me that anticipates, for that reason, she is going to be a very unique individual.
~ Uncle Tim
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